Stichting Artistic Research Community in the North
KvK: 84001550
RSIN: 863060985
Peizerweg 255
9744BD, Groningen
The Netherlands
Board members:
Albert van der Kooij (chairman)
Gerda Vrugteman (treasurer)
Guy Weizman (secretary)
The ARC serves as an online and offline platform to encourage cross over of research methodologies and support weather through critique and collaboration.
The ARC community serves as a bridge between the independent artist/researcher and other established institution research groups.The content and context of subjects and fields of research are related or interested by the members and partners.
If you want to participate or want more information please do not hesitate and send us an email with the contactform on the bottom of this page.
The Artistic Research Community is a dialectic umbrella organization for explorative research-creation, composed by a network of independent artist-researchers and knowledge institutions in the north of the Netherlands. The network aims to stimulate artistic and explorative research practices and its impact by focusing on: how different forms of artistic research can be performed, articulated, presented and documented. What are the processes involved in these practices and what are their inherent qualities as means of investigating the ins and outs of the multiverse.
How artistic research practice can offer novel ways of producing knowledge, applicable to various fields, as well as how such practices might catalyze new forms of knowing and producing knowledge in ways that sidestep traditional dichotomies existing between art (technê) and science (Epistêmê).
ARC is initiated by Dr. Anke Coumans, with the support of the professorships of the knowledge center Art & Society and the RE:search:gallery.