On The 2nd of June ARC in the North hosts a special day with an ARC/talk and workshop of the Berlin Based collective Trust about their project Black Swan https://www.goethe.de/ins/gb/en/kul/zut/dao/dab.html .

The day starts at 10:00 with the ARC/talk and is open to all audiences. From 12:30 in the afternoon the day continues with a hands-on workshop.

ARC in the North invites Black Swan member Leith Benkhedda for the upcoming talk to take the audience along in the activities of their collective and the use of the DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisations) in the project Black swan, specifically their funding and voting systems and why it is relevant now to question traditional grant-based funding models. The talk be hosted by ARC members Henry Byrne and Adri Schokker.

DAO Workshop (Registration needed)
Around 12:30 in the afternoon, Leith will host a hands-on workshop introducing the participants into the workings of the newly developed Cygnet (a consensus-building tool) app. Cygnet is a digital quadratic voting system to award grants to different proposed projects. During this workshop different smaller groups or participants will develop project proposals that can be used as cases for the Cygnet system. Consequently, the participants can decide how funds should be distributed among the different projects. The Black Swan project shows new alternatives to govern artistic communities and find new democratic ways to finance cultural initiatives. Opening doors to a more grassroots based and circular cultural economy.

Workshop Registration
The ARC talk is open to all audiences and free of charge; the workshop is free of charge but has a limited amount of spots available. If you are interested to participate, please send an email to info@artisticresearchinthenorth.nl

Over ARC / About ARC

ARC/talks is een serie van publieke lezingen en paneldiscussies, waar leden van de Artistic Research Community (ARC) samen met genodigden uit verschillende contexten hun onderzoek, processen en gedachten over relevante onderwerpen delen. De ARC/talks worden georganiseerd door de Artistic Research Community (ARC) en Research Center Art & Society, Hanzehogeschool Groningen.

ARC/talks are a series of public talks and panel discussions, where members of the Artistic Research Community (ARC) together with invited guests from various context share their research, processes and thoughts on relevant topics. The ARC/talks are organized by the Artistic Research Community (ARC) and Research Center Art & Society, Hanze UAS.

De Artistic Research Community (ARC) in the North, is een gemeenschap voor exploratieve onderzoek-creatie, samengesteld door een netwerk van kunstenaars, onderzoekers en kennisinstellingen in het noorden van Nederland. Het project is in 2018 geïnitieerd door professor dr. Anke Coumans, met de steun van de onderzoeksgroepen van Research Center Art & Society en de RE:Search:Gallery, en is sindsdien uitgegroeid tot een actieve gemeenschap die een breed scala aan praktijken met zich meebrengt, variërend van meer traditionele vormen van artistiek onderzoek naar medium en materialiteit, tot het werken met opkomende technologieën zoals 3D-scanning en kunstmatige intelligentie

The Artistic Research Community (ARC) in the North, is a community for explorative research-creation, composed by a network of artists, researchers and knowledge institutions in the north of the Netherlands. The project was initiated in 2018 by professor dr. Anke Coumans, with the support of the research groups of Research Center Art & Society and the RE:Search:Gallery, and has since then grown to be an active community that brings a wide range of practices, ranging from more traditional forms of artistic investigation into medium and materiality, to working with emerging technologies such as 3D scanning and artificial intelligence.