Not-knowing encounters

a plea for not knowing

"a plea for not knowing" - a talk Anna gave at Nature Connectedness symposium in May 2021.

Anna Not Knowing

Anna Not Knowing

Tomorrow we have our first not knowing encounter. I already shared via e-mail (July 6) with you a text I find relevant and interesting by Emma Cocker – Tactics for Not Knowing: Preparing for the...

Attempt for Randomness

A (failed) attempt to create a setup in which a water drop falls randomly. Inspired by the art installation Ghostradio that uses the Kelvin’s Thunderstorm setup to create an event of randomness that...

Buddy Pick

Buddy Pick

In the first Not Knowing session on October 28th, the participants will be both online present as in-person. We did a buddy pick. The in-person participants will buddy up with an online participant...

Not Knowing Theme Night

Not Knowing Theme Night

Not Knowing Theme Night at the Media Art Festival LeeuwardenIn light of the crisis which is currently in the making, we are all confronted with uncertainty. Unexpectedly, we are face to face with a...

Noorderlicht Festival Proposals

Random coolness

Data Resonance

Data Resonance Data Resonance is an a research project by artistic researchers: Hannes Arvid Andersson & Marcelo Agustin Martinez of the Research Centre Art & Society, Hanze University of...