::Adri Schokker
Role: Community Organiser
Introduce Adri and his artistic/research practice:
A strong listener, a breadth of knowledge honed to his interest. Focused temperament which enables Adri to be giving with his time, emotions and talents.
Adri, where are you going with your artistic/research practice?
I am moving towards and artistic practice in which ecology and storing telling become recurring themes. That creates space for new collaborative projects that are more research oriented and rooted in current issues in the social and artistic context. Aside that I recently renewed a fascination for technological themes like the body, the interface, the environment, a reality
What is the role of Adri in our community?
Within ARC, Adri is building bridges – bridges in between the people with or without ARC but also bridges in between the art world and the everyday-walk-in-your-local-Albert-Heijn-and-talk-to-your-neigbour-world.
What is Adri focusing on in ARC in the coming year or two?
Adri intends to focus on doing more things with ARC, including collective research with the Not Knowing Core, organizing and participating in some events together with other ARCers in the coming autumn season. Adri also will get the financial side of ARC in order to run smoothly.
What is Adri doing together with other ARCers?
In the ARC Adri feels responsible for practicalities that have to do with finances, the connection with external stakeholders and with the board of the ARC association. He is an active part of the Not Knowing Core and he is one of the persons working in ELSA Labs in which ARC develops a setting in which AI technology is experienced and questioned.
Proliferation (2019)
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Proliferation (2019)
Hi this is a test post
test ADRI
This is a placeholder post, it shows up here because it has the category ‘[your (first)name]’. For example ‘anke’ or ‘adri’. Posts given the category ‘anke’ will show up at Anke’s page. Posts given...
Not Knowing Theme Night
Not Knowing Theme Night at the Media Art Festival LeeuwardenIn light of the crisis which is currently in the making, we are all confronted with uncertainty. Unexpectedly, we are face to face with a...