Collaborative Writing Session 30/5/2022

What?! You don’t know ARC? Well, it is a group of really nice people. It is a group of artists that found each other through common questions and values about research and art and everything in between the two. With time, ARC has become a bundle of practices,...
Hereness Photography Project Hornhuizen

Hereness Photography Project Hornhuizen

Hereness Photography Project Hornhuizen By Pol Taverne Research in the direct local surroundings of the participating artist to create a dialogue through images with people from the village and the surrounding farmland. To discuss the changing landscape and village in...

Attempt for Randomness

A (failed) attempt to create a setup in which a water drop falls randomly. Inspired by the art installation Ghostradio that uses the Kelvin’s Thunderstorm setup to create an event of randomness that is consequently fed to a computer. Adri Attempt for...
Buddy Pick

Buddy Pick

In the first Not Knowing session on October 28th, the participants will be both online present as in-person. We did a buddy pick. The in-person participants will buddy up with an online participant and make sure that the online guests can have their part in the...