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Important ARC org news
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UPDATE - MEETING WILL BE ON Thursday the 8th (morning)
Dear ARCers,
This year we wish to begin a collective process that will lead to an ARC 'publication'.
On the first week of December, we will meet to Brain-storm and Imagination-sparking over this topic -
asking -
What can an ARC publication be?
Why are we interested in having one? ( or more ๐
and Who wants to work on it, conceptually and/or practically?
During (or after) this meeting we will form a team that will take care that this publication happens (further conceptualizing, developing and producing, finding finances etc.). The team will take responsibility that this happens in a way that all ARCers and the different groups within have a chance to contribute with their artistic/research practices.
The meeting will be either on Tuesday the 6th (afternoon) or on Thursday the 8th (morning).
What suits you more? Please reply here in the comments.
What suits you more? Please reply here in the comments.
Have a nice autumn-avond ๐ต
Inbal & Anna
This topic was modified 2 years ago 3 times by Inbal Ann Hershtig
Posted : 10/10/2022 3:22 pm
Nice! 8th of December works for me!
Best Adri
Posted : 11/10/2022 6:50 am
The 8th also works for me. Great plan!
Posted : 11/10/2022 9:02 am
Topic starter
I am good with both dates 6th or 8th
Posted : 11/10/2022 1:11 pm
Nice! The 8th in the morning works for me.
Posted : 12/10/2022 9:13 am