Minutes ARC meeting...
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Minutes ARC meeting 22-09-2021

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Hi all,

Here are the minutes of the ARC meeting of 22-9-2021. I also attached a PDF with the minutes.

ARC meeting 22-09-2021
Present: Anke, Anna, Linde, Pol, Inbal, Simona, Agustin, Adri

Cooperation The World We Live In

Willingness for cooperation, make a meeting with the organisation. 

Especially the ARC Talks, structural

Contact?  Inbal will look into it.

Figure out what the connecting points are. 

Agustin is meeting with Lisa next week. 


Organisation of the meeting

1 x per month

1 x per month the ARC Talks 4 or 5 a year.

People self organise other sessions for the research projects.


About ARC talks.

Anna suggests: Split up the organisation and curation of the ARC talks between the ARC members, make duo’s. To see how the different members give shape to it. 

Agustin: Maybe the production could be done more consistent, because these are returning things. 

There is budget for the production and for the person who does the production. 

Anke: Likes the look and feel of the current ARC Talks design. Inbal: Let’s see how this evolves. 

Simona: Checklist Manifesto —> Maybe ARC talks can also have checklist. So the responsible ARC members can use the checklist for the organisation of the talks.

Who wants to be responsible for the organisation? 


ARC Foundation

Foundation, hopefully the foundation will be a fact on September 23rd. Only Guy needs to sign and then it is a fact.



Arc meetings the last Wednesday of the month already planned.

See calendar. 


Role of the members

Pol suggests to make the roles more explicit. 

The email adres can be shared to everybody. 


Agustin sets up the Data Resonance project. Suggests the to visit Mobi on the 6th of October and have a talk. 


New Domain Art & Technology 

Work package with a part of it an application (originally on request of Consortium Leefstijl UMCG)

Different aspects

Research of Simona

Data Resonance

Lab Settings


The writing triggered the following:


Technology is given to the people to work with. 

ARC is external research group and a good candidate for an investigation into the domain of Art & Technology


Anke: Investigation into ways to broaden the domain art & technology 

For example toward literacy. 

There is budget to investigate how to broaden the perspective. Seed Money.

Forget about the application, how can we bring the expertise together from ARC in how to give shape to the domain?

What can the ARC offer?

Find connections with organisations, funding possibilities, collaborations, how can we connect to MadTech

Write a document with proposals. 


ARC Space

Who to talk to?

Paul de Rook, former alderman, who is the new one?

Klaas Koetje, Menno Conner, Karina Baks, Esther de Graaf
Start with talks, with the above people. 

Linde suggested that they have free space. A good starting point. 



Simplify the website usability, A smaller more changing website

We need a website group

Organising working sessions again. To fill in the website. 

Monday evenings website sessions. 

Get it up and running is soon as possible.

This topic was modified 3 years ago by Adri Schokker
Posted : 27/09/2021 3:39 pm