ARC monthly meeting
29/03/2022 10:00-12:00
topics for agenda:
- check-in, brief updates
- ARC calendar
everyone: please check both the ARC website calendar and the Miro board and update the things you have a responsibility for
- upcoming ARC Talks:
- Black Swan ARC Talk proposed dates. 19/04 or with Workshop 12 or 13/05.
Update from Henry: Black Swan - an artist organization with their own decentralized DAO - helps finance, think about how to give out money to different projects; based in Berlin, one in den Haag; perhaps could come to Groningen, maybe connect to FMI, make a bigger day out of it; tell about what they do, what they try to achieve. DAO is complicated to understand, they might do a workshop and bring it to art/art world. Three possible dates - 19/04 (not a workshop, a presentation), workshop possible later (12 or 13/05). The workshop could be for ARC members (for arranging ourselves), but can be expanded to include students, for example, from FMI.
Anke: students don't always show up; maybe we can do one big workshop (15-20 participants); get in touch with PR people from Minerva for communication. For workshop you sign up for, the talk is open.
Final agreed date: Thursday, 12/05
Anke, Henry, Adri, Jeanine will meet soon and talk details.
- Tale Naess, 17/05, and a workshop for ARC (16 or 17/05)
Tales comes to Minerva for 3-4 days. She has a full programme, working with IRAP students, design students on a play about climate change; Tuesday and probably Monday will be for ARC and pre-P(h)D; talk about her PhD, how she did it, what it meant for her way of writing; also she will do a workshop. She is currently working on relationships among different languages, and identities based on languages. That is what the ARC workshop will be on, about. It will take place either Monday (16/05) or Tuesday (17/05). !!!Location!!! Inbal will make a poster/visual for this. Further on let's make use of designers in our group - Simona, Kevin, Inbal. They can play around with whether they go on with how Hannes made it, maybe experiment further?
- Anything other ARC talks before summer holiday?
? Jeanine van Heeswijk, Jonas Staal? --- entangle with other ARC activities
--- Let's have a meeting about next academic year and ARC Talks (2022/2023 season); during next ARC Monthly
- Playing with the ARChive - possible dates for encounters before summer
Upload reminder & technical support 🙂
Inbal: Preliminary encounter in the end of April? Maybe another one before summer? Did everyone manage to upload? Any technical difficulties? Contact Inbal! Let's start doing! Preliminary meeting a kick-start of the process. Need to think about actual programme, but it will be something combining talking, doing, playing. April 19th? Could be a week later, ending with shared dinner at studio of Inbal.
Anke: I can't always be there; perhaps consider me the person to present to, not always be part of development.
Date: April 28th? May 2nd? Inbal will initiate a short survey.
// Henry gone 22/04-29/04
- a tiny update from Not Knowing Core, Save The Date: June? tba; Saturdays could work too.
26/05 we go to Agustin in Weesp (Slijkstraat 7A), studio visit with drinks etc. (there is a nice terrace; Agustin will arrange sun)
- 'What Can It Be?', arrange a date for a mini-WHIB?
an event in autumn; with the idea to organize something; last week a small meeting (Adri, Anna, Inbal). How to activate the process of making ideas? A more active way, not only talking. A little bit with a mindset of not knowing, prototype the event by doing and discussing, and trying things out. Less talking online, more prototyping together. Work on it more thoroughly in France, but perhaps before that meet for a few hours and actively 'prototype' the event. What about evening of April 19th with dinner, maybe outdoors? Inbal proposes her studio backyard. Anna will ask other ARCers; if not - propose other dates
// Tuesday afternoons for Anke very easy now to be in Groningen
- ARC in France, starting July 13th? 2022
Let's do it!
Who wants to come: Adri (available after July 5th), Anna, Inbal (in Israel until July 10th), (not present, but who want: Simona), Henry&Linde are only available from 13th of July until the end of the month;
It is a 10 hour drive from NL
We meet on July 13th in France! Next meeting we all let Anke know:
K. will be down and probably doing stuff around in France
! ! ! WHO WILL COME ! ! !
- Elsa LAB project
Agustin: Different activities and research. Elsa Lab acitivities are about how to explore the means and knowledge and attitude with engaging with AI and AI systems. It is a funded application, in this work package there are 3 topiccs (advising with AI, talking with AI, engaging with AI). It has some space to develop, but also has connections to organizations and institutions. ARC has activities to participate in this.
Anke: Yesterday had a talk with Mirjam Plantinga, there is a lot that can be done. The main thing she hopes is that installations, labs, artworks are developed that encourage criticality and asking questions. The installation is for having a critical talk. Art is for experiencing things, critical dialogue should be a consequence of it. It is also about what do we want to be - curate or build installations. There are finances. Who wants to be involved and in what sense? There are 2 important positions - organizational part, talking with Miriam about development and doing research (either someone doing a PhD or postdoc; it could potentially be Adri, or perhaps Judith). Aside it, there is the thinking, making, doing, curating the installations. What kind of installations can we build that make the public ask questions about AI. It's apity Kevin is not here. Agustin will somehow also be a part.
Agustin: Henry, maybe Kimball is someone who might be interested?
Henry: He might be. He also wants to do a PhD. It's nice to have a range of installation backgrounds. He's a painter who doesn't paint.
Anke: Who wants to be involved in the thinking about this? Agustin, Henry, Adri want to think it through. Anke will organize a meeting with them.
- Collaboration TWWLI - was not addressed
- next board meeting: in June? June 7th 10:00? Agustin will send an invitation for board members, the meeting with researchers (see invitation from Jeanine) maybe goes a little bit down (not starting 11. but 12? Anke figures this out).
Henry: what about a newsletter? There are people who are interested to learn more about what we are doing. Let's ask Pol. Meanwhile, suggest people to subscribe for the newsletter. Henry will get in touch with Pol and discuss it further!