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ARC General Meeting 24-11-2021 (the notes)

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Present: Anke, Inbal, Anna, Adri, Henry, Linde, Kevin, Simona (note taker)

How is it going & what concrete thing do you want to be owner of?

Anke - Have money in the professorship that needs to be spent before June. Wrote and application for the professorship, which could mean more money. Can be spent on publication, lectures, writing articles. It has to be tangible result. For example research domain Art& Technology where ARC en Minerva (Jan en Judith en Luuk) work together. My professorship is transforming, three domains are in development: Art&Technology, Art&Care (personally most involved in), Art&Decolonisation (identity polotics, how we are colonising everything). 'Radiant centers instead of borders'
Adri: relational aesthetics and auto modernism catalogus and exhibition

Henry - focus on colonisation - economic models around channels. How to make the systems of funding something, where thinking about the future, how to change such models. From my practice I am interested in how simplistic iconography gets polluted. Blockchain related psychology organising the future. Unknown knowns. Future forests in UK.
Anke: how to start with this? I like the idea of making a manifesto, what needs to be done? Maybe a meeting about your topic. Maybe you can organise a discussion around your topic

Linde - Two months in my PhD. I feel like I am an artist in an academic environment. I have to write applications for residencies and also make things. Practical things I usually do, but then I also have to write. But there I get more and more confused. How to write in a way that others in academia will understand? I would like to have a meeting about this aspect. Maybe we can invite some people like Jasmijn Visser to talk about this. Maybe we can talk about forms like poetry. I can't get rid of writing. Thinking about writing is one thing, but doing it is a separate struggle.
Anke: Also talk with Andrea. All the professors you have met so far, they know how to evaluate these kinds of texts. The knowledge should come from the methodology of writing. Is the methodology in the making or in the research on the making. Thats a difficult question to answer. Your art practice is also a way of doing research.
Adri: so you would like to organise a session around this struggle.

Simona - Update on my PhD trajectory - proposal, article etc are submitted at the university and will receive feedback (probably after the holidays) before continuing to the 2nd PhD year. The article is not published yet, so I will share it 'privately' with the ARC. Until March I will mainly focus on the collective writing thread. And would love to (still) remain part of the not-knowing core team. As you will read in the article the not-knowing is quite important in my research project(s).

Kevin - I would like my contribution to be continuing what I started to do - collaboration with 'the world we live in', that could be an ARC Talks. Planning a meeting in December with them and we can talk further. Additionally, I want to help finding a place in town. Small making and writing projects. I am not so strong on coordinating but love to be part of collective projects. The 'world we live in festival' will be in June 2022 (if corona allows). Creative writing about art & technology I also want to make time for to be part of.
Anke: let us know if things will cost money, the sooner the better
Adri: could you set dates for the meetings, make an agenda

Anna - Proposal about finances: whatever comes in as assignment, 10% of it stays in the organisation for book-keeping etc. How can we be transparent about it. For example, you are essentially hiring ARC to do Art&Technology, maybe 10% of funding can be reserved for ARC. I don't want to be responsible for finances. We could have a common document to keep transparent for example how much we pay people invited for ARCTalks.
I am excited about finding ARC Space and Place.
Continuation of Not Knowing. We need core people who stay on top of it. Invite Emma Cocker for a writing workshop. Making processes together that are far more body based and collective based. We could invite her for an ARCTalk and a workshop with us. How do art & technology, care & decolonisation interact as domains.
Anke: I agree, but this is up to you. We can add to the website that ARC is investing in the research domain A&T at Minerva.
Adri: we don't have a bank account as ARC yet, I can work on this.
Simona: Would like to join the core team of Not Knowing - and consider how the attitude of not knowing can allow us to explore the interactions between art &- technology, care, decolonisation.

Adri - practical things about the foundation. Guy wants to know when the foundation meet. Can we invite them to the next general meeting? (Or ARC Christmas party?) Can we put planned activities on a timeline and discuss this with the board members. We can add events in the new agenda. I want to focus on finding an ARC space.

Inbal - Schedule is not steady yet with work. Hope by beginning of next year puzzle pieces will fall into place. Pre-PhD takes a lot of energy. I want to write and article and possibly entwine it with Art & Care. The artistic attitude is harder for me to pin down. The conceptual part of the artistic attitude is big, so at least one ARCTalk. Regarding publication, I was thinking about playing with the archive method. Similar to not knowing encounters I want to organise 'playing with he archive' encounters where we work with materials we all bring in. I plan to bring in on text on the website. Where could we plan this on the timeline? Do we have a documentation archive?
Kevin: I am interested in being part of this. Let's have a talk about it.

Practical matters: 
The date for the ARC Christmas Party and last ARC General meeting in December need to be changed - Adri(?) will send a datumprikker

Next writing session is on 8 December. Maybe everyone who joins can bring in a 'struggle'. In a future sessions we could invite Tale. She can help us to write collectively.

Anke needs a budget before the end of the year. Anna knows a spreadsheet program we can share. We should write down hours we want to spend, the cost of the activity and what the outcome will be.

Book suggestions:
Adri - Research for people who think they would rather create - Dirk Vis
Simona - Writing in the dark - Max van Manen (phenomenological writing)
Anna - Matters of Care - Puig de la Bellacasa

Posted : 24/11/2021 11:04 am
T.S. Anna
Posts: 74
Estimable Member Admin Registered

Super cool. Thanks, Simona!

For Not Knowing there are now 3 people who noted their interest, namely myself, Adri and Simona. Anyone else?

Posted : 24/11/2021 5:11 pm
Marcelo Agustin Martinez
Posts: 4
Active Member Admin Registered

Awesome! thank you so much Simona. Great to read you guys had such a great and productive meeting! love the ideas and plans and thank you all for the great work! Go ARC! ๐Ÿ™‚ 

This post was modified 3 years ago by Marcelo Agustin Martinez
Posted : 24/11/2021 5:30 pm
Posts: 60
Estimable Member Admin Registered

@anna +1 for Not Knowing

Posted : 30/11/2021 2:46 pm
T.S. Anna reacted
Posts: 7
Active Member Admin Registered

@Anna yes me

Posted : 06/12/2021 1:05 pm