Present: Inbal, Anna, Adri, Kevin, Simona (note taker)
Circle 'Why is ARC important and how can it help me?'
- How are you doing, what is occupying you?
- Why are we here?
- How can you benefit from the group?
- Last summer getting lost in many ways - but found myself - trip to Estonia end of summer - Biotopia festival. Made a decision - whatever I do with my art practice and life it has to have a sense of loyalty or responsibility towards the environment. This is central to my thinking and the direction of my practice. Joined XR, in meetings and joining protests.
- Not-knowing (the artistic attitude or aspects of it) connects to the urgencies of our times. It has social importance to me. Conversation with Pol - initiate a not-knowing event and set a date - in March 2022.
- I want to work with people, no formal collaborations, no random sticking together. I am interested in working together and seeing what comes out. For example with Kevin and Pol, something coming up soon. Or mushroom picking with Inbal, these things have meaning.
- Suggestion: ARC Talk on Not-knowing - what are social urgencies around it?
- writing article over the summer - allowed me to reflect on the ARC and what it means to me. (Will share the article after the meeting). Being part of ARC has been essential in making clear my thinking around my PhD, and coming to an essence about what and why I am doing.
- Collectivity and the uniqueness of each encounter. (Miss meeting more often. Miss doing things together and the energy.)
- Suggestion: Writing together.
// Anna:
Anke proposed each of us could take care of one thing the coming year - something that also represents what you are searching or researching. To dive deeper and discuss it with the group.
- Doing good, splitting attention between different roles. Started pre-phd program. Working with Anke on her research. -
- I am very proud of this community - for me its important to feel connected to something - mentally but also something that connects me to Groningen.
- The idea of nativeness, roots, where I belong to, how I belong is what currently occupies me. Not just socially but also the environment. It's about empathy, seeing the environment as a partner, this effects social relations. My latest project led me to think of working on a proposal. 'Every land is a wonderland', getting to know tat is around us. By doing tacit tactile activities, through traditional crafts, with local materials around us, get a sense of kinship or partnership with the environment. It connects to the state of things on earth. And the whole social structure.
- ARC is a good example how people can be individual and work together as a group at the same time. It's an exercise in listening and exchanging. What I can do - be more active to help push a bit toward meetings and doing stuff. Having clear dates in our agenda would help us to keep ARC in the back of our minds. Talking about events and things to do, etc.. Also how do we (really) work together, having a physical place. Like Simona talking about what happens to the body while we co-create - having a space is important to this. About the publication - an archive of stuff and working with it - 'it couldn't happen any other way' - arrange it in a space - like an encounter.
// Anna: ARCWalk!
- over the summer read sci fi - cyber punk and origin of the Internet - into Blockchain as well for some reason. Teaching since I am back - taking a lot of time, but it's also rewarding.
- I had a meeting with people for 'the world we live in' - they want to develop connecting with ARC further. Kevin offers to arrange a meeting, an informal dinner at Kevin's studio before December. Last year they did a festival, this year they want to organise a smaller festival - around connections. Also talked with another Artist group in Groningen - who have a huge network artist and building owners.
- Want to do/make things wit ARC, walking groups, wandering groups, writing groups.
- was busy last months in the studio, developing some projects for - exhibition in Groninger Museum, new workshop format, new installation for Cinekid. Other workshops in Groningen. A lot happening simultaneously. A bit tired from all of it. Also started pre-phd program.
- I want to go in another direction what I started with Anna, 'Forest', slow pace developing and research. Working with children is very fast pace and don't want to do that anymore. Starting the pre-phd, take the opportunity to dive into fascinations I have for years. Put emphasis more on depth and slow pace development of things.
- When it comes to ARC, what I liked in the past year, the coming together and talking about all kinds of stuff, and discussing. What I started seeing throughout the year is possibility with the people who are connected to real give shape to a process or artistic research in a more focused but also more open way. This I really liked - this helped me decided to make changes in my art practice the coming years.
- I am always interested in is how can we show to the people what we do as a group. Now the energy is going to other projects, I really want the energy back and get involved in smaller groups. Things growing out of finding common ground leading to meetings (example: Simona, Inbal, Anna this morning). Keep the proces organic. The formal parts can be done shorter, we don't need two hours every month. Let's use a session to do a global planning.
- started the Artistic PhD at the University of Groningen and Hanze University of Applied Sciences. A lot is coming my way with teaching, research, setting up new projects and meeting the PhD conditions. I'm exploring the three projects that I want to do right now, concerning connecting to the non-human through artistic practice. I want to link the projects and see the content as a triptych. How do I make sure that my artistic integrity is met, as well as academic and applicable requirements from the institutions? I'm looking forward to working on the project 'Living lines of the barely noticeable' in Berlin next month where we will make video recordings of a choreography.
- Thinking, questioning and working together, learning from each other's practices.
- Would like to think together about the where and why of artistic research, but more so I would like to work with group members who are interested in similar content. Like Anna about landscape or ecology and Inbal about plants. Let's set up a coffee/tea meeting...
Practical matters & dates
Let's have a Christmas party!
- Date: Saturday 18 December
- Location: to be decided.
Before next meeting 24 November
- Each ARC member think about a a concrete thing to be owner of (for example: Simona wants to be owner of organising writing together sessions, Inbal wants to be more active around organising 1 or 2 ARCTalks, etc..). We can also bring in something as groups (Anna & Kevin, Anna, Inbal & Simona, etc..).
- Bring in an idea for a session, based on your own curiosities so we can build a timeline. Suggest a date. (For example: Writing session in two weeks as a warm up 8 November 10:00)
- Location for next meeting: Linde and Henry's place?
Next ARC 'Not-knowing' public event
- March 2022
The website
Based on the experiences of the past month - Pol & I notice its not the highest priority for everyone - so we discontinue the sessions reserved for working on it. We use to forum to share important messages and focus on the agenda for the coming year. Allow the rest of the connect to appear (or not).
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