by hannes andersson | Jun 2, 2021 | inbalFEATURED
This is a featured post related to a specific person For info see the non-featured post on your page.
by hannes andersson | Jun 2, 2021 | inbal
This is a placeholder post, it shows up here because it has the category ‘[your (first)name]’. For example ‘anke’ or ‘adri’. Posts given the category ‘anke’ will show up at Anke’s page. Posts given the category ‘adri’ will show up at Adri’s page, and so on. Each...
by Pol | May 31, 2021 | adri, agustin, anke, anna, hannes, henry, inbal, kevin, linde, not knowing, pol, simona
Not Knowing Theme Night at the Media Art Festival Leeuwarden In light of the crisis which is currently in the making, we are all confronted with uncertainty. Unexpectedly, we are face to face with a new unprecedented reality that no longer rhymes with the familiar...
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