ARChive 1st encount...
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ARChive 1st encounter - Vote for dates!

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Posts: 18
Eminent Member Admin Registered
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[yop_poll id="4"]

Hello all,

The ARC-hive is starting to buzzz 🙂

I. We would like to through a first encounter combining talking, doing, playing,
ending with a shared dinner at my (Inbal's) studio.
Two possible dates were mentioned in our last monthly meeting - 28.4 or 2.5, vote for your preferred date.*

II. Uploading files to MEGA - 
Did everyone manage to upload? Any technical difficulties? For support on the subject you can contact me. 
Let's start doing! 

Inbal Ann

* I had created a poll thing but couldn't connect it to the post, so you can reply here shortly - which date suits you, if at all.

Tune in and may the hive be with you!  


This topic was modified 2 years ago 6 times by Inbal Ann Hershtig
Posted : 31/03/2022 3:59 pm
Posts: 19
Eminent Member Admin Registered

28-4 works for me! 



Posted : 01/04/2022 6:52 am
T.S. Anna
Posts: 74
Estimable Member Admin Registered

for me 28.4 works; 2.5 not possible at all

Posted : 01/04/2022 1:59 pm
Posts: 60
Estimable Member Admin Registered

Same; for me 28.4 works; 2.5 not possible at all

Posted : 05/04/2022 8:49 am
Posts: 7
Active Member Admin

Sorry, I have the opposite. 28-4 not possible at all, 2-5 can work but not ideal (same for Henry)

Posted : 07/04/2022 9:22 am