ARC day: Monday, Ja...
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ARC day: Monday, January 24th 1000

3 Posts
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T.S. Anna
Posts: 74
Estimable Member Admin Registered
Topic starter

As the date is set, here is a pad for the agenda. Bring your bike so we can all bike through the winter sun!

As I mentioned several times before, I would like to propose that we go through 3 or 4 studios/places/spaces to keep moving and also to try out each space as a group. These are the times that I propose we start at each place:

10:00 - Havenstraat 28 (Linde, Henry): confirmed with Henry

11:45 - van Schendelstraat 1 (Kevin): confirmed with Kevin

14:20 - Travertijnstraat 6 (Inbal): confirmed with Inbal

15:40 - Travertijnstraat 12 (A&A): yes, this is also confirmed

On the pad, please add, adjust, change etc topics.

Looking forward to see many of you Monday. Yay.

Posted : 21/01/2022 12:07 pm
K reacted
Posts: 60
Estimable Member Admin Registered

Thanks for the work A.

Posted : 21/01/2022 6:24 pm
Posts: 60
Estimable Member Admin Registered

Here's my note for today's meeting:

We start from the end, the last meeting at A&A in Travertijnstraat 12


Adri is taking care of the account but we should bring the question to the board of whom is opening the account (the "financial" board member - forget her name sorry)


We want to get more serious about it (publish on the research catalogue, do a Not Knowing exhibition, apply for conferences) -> probably more 2023

The walk:

We mentioned the "dropping" of teenagers in nature, guided way of getting lost (with help of action cards, cigarette butts, flags, derive and all kind of tools and method to develop in advance), the fact of letting go and the creative power of boredom

Walking as a research method

Using Choreo-Graphic Figures: Deviations from the Line - Emma Cocker for the walk

A walk with different guides every 30m

It will be nice to open the walk to public in the future


Anna send an email to Emma for the possibility of visiting and a potential connection with IRAP students


Maybe the 1st question we should ask the board is the question about the space

We thought of a focus on WHY ARE WE HERE? WHY ARE WE PART OF ARC? - everyone can be responsible / have the ownership of a "project" (e.g. Inbal with the Playing with the ARChive or Anna with the Not Knowing)



It will be nice if everyone shared the links / books / exhibition example / suggestions they made during the day here, or on another place on the forum (Henry did it already!) I'm thinking for example of Adri's book about Anthropocene and so on. If you remember it of course!

Cheers and thanks for today 😉



Posted : 24/01/2022 9:47 pm