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We. Chickens, Roasters, Ducks, Chicks (Writing Session 2)

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We. Chickens, Roasters, Ducks, Chicks and other 2 wings 2 legs mammals and a fat lady.
Move with the music, the infinte morning, free the people of the chicken
Late night to early morning as if there was never a late night or early morning. 
1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8
Time stretching and moving hectically around the place that was never anywhere. Without a yesterday, without a tomorrow. Code is law. But then it changes
Trying to making a challenging jump for 150 times, put, remove, write, remove, add remove, change, remove. LET ME BE!
One hundred and fifty times. and five more. you are let to be.
In a lost present. All out, away from reality. A brief break, piiiiping or no break at all. 
There is a toy hanging from the steering wheel, lost from that which is there too. FAR FROM THE INFINITE CAGES. Taking a brisk walk near flowing water and just observing the water crashing against stones it encounters. Lost. Goalless but full of goals and free of goals.
Free the people of the chicken
Trying, making, piiiiping, challenging, morning, 
Refusing to be raised for the piiiiping pleasure of the other bipeds hurts my ears. Yumyumyum
Snelweg, vrachtwagen, pratende en ruziende mensen, een cafetaria, het is donker buiten. Er worden KIP frikandellen gegeten
The truck on the road, there is a toy hanging from the steering wheel, many oncoming cars pass by with bright headlights, the man behind the wheel moves with the music,
In the cafe the conversations continue, there is a lot of bearding going on, we see it through a window, we look in from outside.
De camera trekt zich terug we verwijderen ons.
De nacht is stil
Time stretching and moving hectically around the place that was never anywhere. Without a yesterday, without a tomorrow
Highway, truck, people talking and arguing, a cafeteria, it's dark outside. KIP frikandells are being eaten water crashing against stones it encounters
The truck on the road, there is a toy hanging from the steering wheel, many oncoming cars pass by with bright headlights piiiiping, the man behind the wheel moves with the music.
In the cafe the conversations continue, there is a lot of bearding going on, we see it through a window, we look in from outside.
We. Chickens, Roasters, Ducks, Chicks
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Is dit piiiiping?
piiiiping piiiiping piiiiping
Geen boomer's met de kipfolk with bright headlights
Free the people of the chicken
Free the chicken Free the chicken Free the chicken
Ze, The chicken verplaatsen zich naar de vrachtwagen, met de man achter het stuur, er zit nu een vrouw naast, (a hippy lady? noooo!) een dikke vrouw, ze praat tegen de man, we zien wat er in de vrachtwagen te vinden is, apples, houten kratten met appels en chicken.
Appels, appels, appels, appels.
Free the chicken,  mensen en kippen and the fat lady die op de vrachtwagen staan te spelen.
Free the people of the chicken
We. Chickens, Roasters, Ducks, Chicks
Appels, appels, appels, appels.
Refuse to be raise for the pleasure of bipeds a lot of arguing going on
The dinosaur people, the running people, the pulled chickenhood people
Free the dinosaurs of the chicken
Free the chicken of the people
No more chicken-breast, pulled chicken, half kip, chicken burger, chicken soup and other chicken delicacy.
Free the people of the chicken
Free the chicken of the people
The night is silent
Refuse to be raise,
Refuse to be raise,
Refuse to be raise,
Refuse to be raise,
Free the people of the chicken
Free the chicken of the people
* this is how to unedit a text
Posted : 08/12/2021 12:13 pm
T.S. Anna reacted