Here's a small post about the ARChive:
- Pol has changed the Library page to the ARChive page (here it is) - I did still not manage to change it tho! Let's talk about it in the next website meeting beginning of January.
- I've create a digital dump on MEGA, you can upload there heavier or numerous files. You might need to use a decryption key to get in. Here it is: I think you need to create an account to upload something, let me know if you don't want to or have a better idea!SpoilerClick mencqOTaHmGWLzThfquvb8qw
Why is this?
Gathering. We would like to collect all kind of ARC related documents and files on our ARChive page and on the digital dump. It can be anything! Like for example drawing, picture, text, inspiration, train ticket, thought, movie, idea, left over, food, publication, recipe, book, trash or just something that you think would belong here and can be used to create something else. Next to this, we'll have a physical box that we can fill up with the same kind of content mentioned above ... but physical. We can pass it to each other for a 1st round of filling. Let's see in January.
Playing. Once we have enough material to start, let's play with it! We talked about some creative encounters, somewhere in Spring 2022, for the following.
Publishing. What will be the result, if there is any? Let's keep faithful to the not knowing and figurate out on the spot ๐
We've planned a kick off meeting in January, the date isn't fixed yet.
Things about ARChive that still need to be discussed:
- Space for working / encounters? Do we need a specific space? Someone's studio? Use non-use space?
- Budget? (I have a rough budget I'll share)
๐ ..bzzzzz
You can find here the rough budget (you need to scroll down until Publication 2022):
Just in case, I attached a screenshot.
Thank you Kevin and Pol, our pioneering arcHivers ๐พ
I've visited the ARChive page and the MEGA 'dump', and I have few questions
ARChive (former known as Library) -
"Please add here...drawing, picture, text, inspiration, train ticket, thought, movie, idea, left over, food, publication, recipe, book, trash or just something that you think would belong here and can be used to create something else"
* How do I post there or upload a file?
* What is the difference between posting in the ARChive page instead of my own page (the page that each of us have)?
* what is the difference between uploading there and uploading in the MEGA drive?
* and how do we avoid double uploads (same materials in the two archive branches)?
Same as with physicals spaces, the Digi archive can easily become full and messy. I should know, my studio is a bit like that ๐
I don't know MEGA system that well, or what the option of being logged-in offers,
so for the time being I suggest to figure a basic way to organize stuff.
for example -
* FILE NAME - [ex - IMG-20201202-WA0007.jpg]
automatic file names shows the time and date the file was created
once images/files starts to accumulate from different cameras/sources, it would be helpful to have some extra/other indication for their context,
and in case we wish to keep things ambiguous, we can use an agreed 'code'.
BOX - (How does it work? what about a crate? I have one ..)
Space for working / encounters - (I am in favor of having one ๐
Budget - thanks Kev (!) for the rough estimation
Let's talk about this ( preferably face to face ๐
*Kev and Anna and anyone who's want to be active in this - shall we meet ?
looking forward to dive into this project
< Inbal Ann H. >